Monday, October 20, 2008

If You Can Read, You Can Make an Educated Vote!

Come one, Come all!

The strange and fascinating link to the truth!!!

The Tome.

When you feel like youre not sure EXACTLY if what you've been told or have heard in TV ads or in print in regards to what you're voting for, take solace in the fact that if you have some patience you can take it upon YOURSELF to find out what the upcoming Propositions will do WITHOUT ANY BIAS WHATSOEVER. So take a look, i've even linked you to ease your transition.

So heres the deal folks, Prop 8, if passed, will amend our State Constitution to consider ONLY MARRIAGE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN AS VALID, in other words I know there was some confusion in class today but if you WERE MARRIED before the election AND OF THE SAME SEX it will NOT BE HONORED in this state.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

That is uncertain. The thing is, not recognizing the marriages that already occurred would be an ex post facto law and that is illegal. A court would likely uphold those marriages - Jerry Brown, our attorney general, already issued an opinion to that effect.
In effect, this law will make an awkward bubble of people that might produce an even more obvious 14th amendment problem.